This Week in Open Source (June 30, 2023)

Sara Jackson

🎉 In exciting news, thoughtbot launched our own open source page highlighting our major projects and contributions to external projects.

Visit us at While you’re there, consider contributing to one of our projects!


Administrate is a framework for creating flexible, powerful admin dashboards in Rails.

(dependabot[bot]) bumped jquery-rails from 4.5.1 to 4.6.0 (7794c2f).

Nick Charlton (nickcharlton) added a handy script to generate a draft CHANGELOG update with commits since the last tag (8e5f6aa), upgraded Rails from to which fixed a vulnerability with actionpack (03226f1), and updated Appraisal gemfiles (f8a1101).


Flightdeck provides Terraform modules for rapidly building production-grade Kubernetes clusters following SRE practices.

Clarissa Borges (clarissalimab) added a grafana-dashboards module that can be used to create dashboards, the first of which is an istio dashboard (67ed6ac). She expanded on this by adding more dashboards that can be created which have handy panels for monitoring the overall application performance (SLO, Cluster Resources, and RDS databases) (5b0bac9). Clarissa also ensured changes to dashboards created using this module are not overridden by terraform (347d71e).


Terrapin is a tool for running shell commands safely, even with user-supplied values.

Elisa Verna (elisuh) cut a new version of Terrapin (37944d9). Release notes here. Welcome to the world, version 1.0! 🎉


thoughtbot’s Guides for working together, getting things done, programming well, and programming in style.

Sami (samithoughtbot) updated our code review guidelines, adding the suggestion to prefix comments with labels to help remove ambiguity (74f40f5).


PropsTemplate is a direct-to-Oj, JBuilder-like DSL for building JSON. It has support for Russian-Doll caching, layouts, and can be queried by giving the root a key path.

Johny Ho (jho406) added a CONTRIBUTING doc (625bfb4), updated some README markdown (edca0da).

On the gem front, he updated some Gemfile formatting that was breaking CI (a922c0f), added Standard and linted the repo (49b4ca3), removed an unused gem (a2a35af), and set the Rails version to 7 (b6b1dab).

Johny also updated some template logic to use Rails’ resolve_layout (9ac48df), and fixed a bug by adding logic to skip nil templates (5309fca).