New on Upcase—Onramp To Vim

Ben Orenstein

We just released a new course on Upcase, and we’re pretty excited. It’s called Onramp to Vim, and we think it’s the best thing out there for turning yourself into a solid Vim user.

Onramp to Vim logo

The course was produced by Chris Toomey and me (Ben Orenstein). Together, we have thousands of hours of Vim experience, and have successfully converted many friends, co-workers, and internet strangers into happy and efficient Vimmers. We’ve distilled our best stuff into this course. Even if you’re a seasoned Vim veteran you’re likely to pick up a few tips.

Here’s some of what we cover:

Surviving Your First Week
  Building a Cheatsheet
  Getting Help
    Vim's Builtin Help
    Vim Wiki
    Vim IRC Channel
    Vim Category in the Upcase Forum
  Avoid Too Much Configuration

Motions and Moving
    Moving within a line
    Jumping within a line
    Moving between lines

Command Language
  Using Motions
  Text Objects
  The dot command
  The Language of Vim

Windows & Tabs
    Opening Windows
    Moving Between Windows
    Positioning the Buffer In the Window

  Insert Mode
  Normal Mode
  Visual Mode
  Visual Line Mode
  Visual Block Mode

  Vimrc Configuration File
  Testing out Configurations
  Custom Key Mappings
  Leader Mappings
  Rapid Editing of Your Vimrc
  Mapping in Other Modes
  Setting Options
  Browsing Options
  Sample Configurations
  Custom Commands
  Building Your Dotfiles

  Installing & Managing Plugins
  CtrlP Fuzzy File Finder

With Onramp to Vim, we finally have something we confidently recommend as the ideal way to start learning Vim.

Onramp to Vim (and many other excellent courses) is only available to Upcase subscribers. There is no minimum subscription length, and we offer a 30-day, money-back guarantee if you don’t love the service.

Intrigued? Subscribe to Upcase and get immediate access.