Hound Reviews SCSS for Style Violations

Dan Croak

We run Hound, a hosted service that reviews code for style violations and comments about them on your GitHub pull requests. It has run over 290,000 times on over 2,400 repos, catching over 530,000 style violations in Ruby, JavaScript, and CoffeeScript files.

Today, we’re pleased to announce that Hound can now review SCSS files.

Screenshot of Hound linting SCSS file


Hound uses SCSS-Lint to check SCSS style with this config. It is disabled by default.

Enable or disable each language by adding a .hound.yml file to your repo. For example:

  enabled: true

  enabled: false

  enabled: true
  config_file: config/.jshint.json

  enabled: true
  config_file: config/scss.yml

You can also specify a per-language config file anywhere in your repo if you’d like to override the default config for a language.

A designer’s best friend

Hound is free for public repos, and $12 per month for private repo.

Try Hound today.