This is my experience deploying an Elixir Phoenix app on Elastic Beanstalk with Docker. There are still plenty of areas for investigation and improvement, some of which I note at the end. I will do my best to isolate each part of this post into sections, such that if you’re doing Docker and Elastic Beanstalk, or Docker and Phoenix, you can focus only on the information you need. There are some thoughts towards the end of the post about why we chose this deployment toolchain.
I will walk through the steps for setting up Docker for Phoenix based on our
project. In your application directory, create a Dockerfile
# Set the Docker image you want to base your image off.
# I chose this one because it has Elixir preinstalled.
FROM trenpixster/elixir:1.3.0
# Setup Node - Phoenix uses the Node library `brunch` to compile assets.
# The official node instructions want you to pipe a script from the
# internet through sudo. There are alternatives:
RUN curl -sL | sudo -E bash - && apt-get install -y nodejs
# Install other stable dependencies that don't change often
# Compile app
RUN mkdir /app
# Install Elixir Deps
ADD mix.* ./
RUN MIX_ENV=prod mix local.rebar
RUN MIX_ENV=prod mix local.hex --force
RUN MIX_ENV=prod mix deps.get
# Install Node Deps
ADD package.json ./
RUN npm install
# Install app
ADD . .
RUN MIX_ENV=prod mix compile
# Compile assets
RUN NODE_ENV=production node_modules/brunch/bin/brunch build --production
RUN MIX_ENV=prod mix phoenix.digest
# Exposes this port from the docker container to the host machine
# The command to run when this image starts up
CMD MIX_ENV=prod mix ecto.migrate && \
MIX_ENV=prod mix phoenix.server
Docker caches each command in a layer and reruns them only when needed. Therefore, by moving the more stable instructions higher up we can cache some of the more expensive operations like installing Node or Elixir dependencies. The application code changes more frequently and so should be towards the end.
Add a .dockerignore
file in to the root of your project. Any files that match
the patterns from here will be ignored by the Docker ADD
command. This is a
good place to put any local development artifacts. Here is a sample.
docker build
Follow the official Docker installation instructions. I used the new Docker for Mac, which worked great.
Build your image by running docker build -t project_name .
in the root of your
project that contains the Dockerfile. Replace the placeholder project_name
with something meaningful to your project. It will download the base image and
then apply each command in your Dockerfile. Once the build completes
successfully, if you rerun the command it will run super fast because of the
Docker caching. Running docker images
will print out the built images on your
project_name latest b85865f180ad 5 minutes ago 1.554 GB
docker run
To start up a new container using your image run the following.
docker run -p 4000 --rm \
--name project_name_development -i -t project_name
The -p 4000
option publishes the port we exposed in our Dockerfile
. The
will remove any existing container running with the same name which was
useful while I was developing.
Now your application is either running, or it fell over because it was missing
some environment variables required to start. There are lots of ways to inject
environment variables into a Docker container. The next section is about Elastic
Beanstalk. I’ll be using the Elastic Beanstalk CLI to manage our environment
variables. If you’re not using Elastic Beanstalk, you can look up the -e
options for docker run
Elastic Beanstalk
eb init
Elastic Beanstalk is a Heroku-like PaaS from Amazon. Follow the official
Elastic Beanstalk CLI installation
Once installed you need to configure the tool by using eb init
where you
select an AWS region and enter your access key and secret token. When you’re
asked to select a platform, choose Docker. Enable the SSH option and create a
key. Your project should now be configured.
eb local
As I mentioned above, there are lots of ways to manage your environment and
environment variables. The eb local
command lets you manage your Docker
application locally using the same interface you would use to manage a remote
environment. There are other tools out there like Docker
Compose that help you manage an
environment. I stuck with eb local
rather than introducing a new tool.
To configure your local environment variables, adapt the following:
eb local setenv HOST=http://localhost:4000 PORT=4000
You can check that it worked by running eb local printenv
Finally, let’s run the application with eb local run --port 4000
which will
start up our Docker container with all of the environment variables set. It
should start smoothly and be accessible at
eb create
The next step is to create an environment in Elastic Beanstalk. My Phoenix application required a database so I configured it with the CLI.
eb create \
--database \
-db.engine postgres \
-db.i db.t2.small \
-db.size 10 \
-db.version 9.4.5 \
--envvars MIX_ENV=prod,SECRET_KEY_BASE=prettyprettygood,PORT=4000
It’s best to create the database at this step so that it injects the environment
variables before your application tries to compile and run. I ran into a strange
situation where our application was failing without the required database
parameters. When I tried to add a database to the environment, it failed and
rolled back because the application image was compiled before the database
environment variables were injected. Configuring the database in our eb create
command fixed that problem.
We need to add the mapping of the ports between the EC2 host and the Docker container.
"AWSEBDockerrunVersion": 1,
"volumes": [
"name": "elixir-app",
"host": {
"sourcePath": "/app"
"containerDefinitions": [
"name": "elixir-app",
"essential": true,
"portMappings": [
"hostPort": 80,
"containerPort": 4000
SSH Keys
When you view the AWS Elastic Beanstalk dashboard and click on the configuration of your environment, you’ll notice that only a single key pair can be set for SSHing into the instances managed by Elastic Beanstalk. This is not ideal but something you should be aware of. You can read how others have worked around it on this StackOverflow thread.
I mentioned a number of quirks with environment variables above. Here is the config file that reads most of the environment variables and points correctly to the asset manifest file.
use Mix.Config
config :project_name, ProjectName.Endpoint,
http: [port: {:system, "PORT"}, compress: true],
url: [scheme: "http", host: System.get_env("HOST"), port: {:system, "PORT"}],
secret_key_base: System.get_env("SECRET_KEY_BASE"),
code_reloader: false,
cache_static_manifest: "priv/static/manifest.json",
server: true
config :project_name, ProjectName.Repo,
adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres,
database: System.get_env("RDS_DB_NAME"),
username: System.get_env("RDS_USERNAME"),
password: System.get_env("RDS_PASSWORD"),
hostname: System.get_env("RDS_HOSTNAME"),
port: System.get_env("RDS_PORT") || 5432,
pool_size: 20,
ssl: true
config :logger, level: :info
Elastic Beanstalk and WebSockets
Our project uses Phoenix WebSockets but this information is useful for any application using WebSockets on AWS. For WebSockets to work, you must ensure that the Elastic Load Balancers listeners are forwarding all TCP traffic and not just HTTP traffic on port 80.
You could edit the setting directly in the web console but it is better to
update the actual configuration file of your project. To do this, run eb
which will load the configuration from AWS that specs out your
environment. Search for aws:elb:listener
and you should see some entries
already. Update the InstanceProtocol
to TCP
. Below is our modified config.
InstancePort: '80'
InstanceProtocol: TCP
ListenerEnabled: 'true'
ListenerProtocol: TCP
PolicyNames: null
SSLCertificateId: null
When you save and close the file, Elastic Beanstalk will update your environment to match the new settings.
Inevitably, something will go wrong and you’ll want to gather more information. Here are the steps I went through as I tried to debug problems.
- Try
eb logs
- Try
eb ssh
to get into the EC2 machine sudo -s
on the EC2 machine to run Docker commands and attach to the instancedocker ps
will list the running containersdocker exec -i -t container_name /bin/bash
will connect you to the container in a Bash shell
Final Thoughts
Toolchain selection
The maintainers of the project going forward had mentioned Ansible as their currently trending tool of choice for automating deployments. Doing some due diligence I found some Phoenix roles and began to experiment with an AWS deployment direct to EC2 instances.
The most popular role had a problem in that it assumed it should copy root’s
file. On EC2, credentials tend to be setup under another user
such as ubuntu
or ec2-user
. It could not be easily remedied with a
configuration option so customisation would have been required and I felt that
the result would have been a bit confusing and harder to maintain. There was
already a new major version of the role coming that significantly changed the
way it worked.
Why Docker?
My next plan was Docker. Because of the unusual external dependencies of our
project we had had some issues ramping on new people to the project. Creating a
Docker image seemed like a promising way to eliminate that headache for
designers and developers alike. I came across
builds on top of
. Adding the
customisations needed for the project would be extremely clear to maintainers
going forward. Building on Docker felt like a safe bet.
Why Elixir and Phoenix?
You can read about why thoughtbot loves Elixir here.
Next Steps
- Tools like Docker Compose or AWS Cloud Formation seem like promising next steps to automate the steps outlined in this blog post
- Reuse the Docker image on CI
- Configure WebSockets to work over SSL