A new Giant Robots Podcast co-host

Chad Pytel

I’m happy to announce that Sami Birnbaum will be joining the Giant Robots Smashing Into Other Giant Robots Podcast as a regular co-host alongside Will Larry and myself.

For listeners of the show, Sami’s voice will be familiar because he, along with other thoughtbot team members located in Europe, Weet Asia, and Africa, has been actively contributing episodes with guests in their region for several months, but we’re happy to now have Sami onboard as one of the regular hosts of the show!

We’ve long worked with clients in the region and had team members located there so clients and team members are able to work in the same timezones. I’m excited to have Sami as a co-host because having a host based in the region will make it easier to have more amazing guests from those timezones on the show to share their stories.

The Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast has over 550 episodes and has been in continuous production for over 11 years. Episode 553: The One with Sami and Chad is now live. In this episode, we get to know Sami better and he and I discuss what’s in store for future episodes. We hope you listen!