Product Focus


We’ve decided on an initial market niche and we’re now learning things about our ideal customer. So many things. Too many things. 🫠

How do we figure out which of our customers’ pain points are the most important for us to address in the product, and which ones to address first?

Answers to these questions help to shape a prioritized MVP roadmap, so you can more clearly understand the time and investment needed for getting to market.

📌 Note: This exercise draws heavily from the work of Teresa Torres in Continuous Discovery Habits. Go read it!

Exercise: Review & Realign

Estimated time needed: One 90 minute session

Materials: Your previously created Assumptions Table and Market Segment Matrix

STEP 1: Revisit and update your Assumptions Table

Questions to Ask:

  • What have we learned so far? You may be able to “retire” some of your resolved assumptions. We like to put these in an Archived sheet.
  • What do we still not know? These are new assumptions! Add them.
  • For the things we don’t know yet, which ones pose the highest risk to the project?

STEP 2: Revisit and update your Market Segment Matrix

Make sure your team is still aligned on the specific persona in the specific market niche that you’re building for right now. Do another pass at the Customer Focus exercises with all of the new information you have.

Once the team has reestablished alignment on your current customer, ask:

  • What have we learned about them so far?
  • What do we still not know?
  • For the things we don’t know yet, which ones pose the highest risk to the project?

Exercise: Map the Opportunities

Estimated time needed: Three 60 minute sessions

Materials: Whiteboard and post-its or a whiteboard app like Miro or Figjam

What is a customer opportunity? There are tons of frameworks out there for these. Jobs To Be Done is our favorite, but there are also user stories, customer journey maps, and more.

Almost all of them are tactics for uncovering customer pain points or desires. When we say “opportunity”, for us that is a shorthand way of saying “an opportunity for your product to make your customer’s life or work better in a meaningful and valuable way”.

STEP 1: List every opportunity we heard more than once from the specific people we’re building for – and only for them!

📌 You will almost definitely have heard something from other, non-ideal personas that sound and feel interesting. Keep a list of those for later, and remember: You’re not addressing that customer right now. If you let non-ideal customer personas distract you, you’ll end up with a confusing and uncompelling product.

Much like with the list of market segments, things on this list won’t be the same size or appear to have the same relevance. That’s okay. Just get them all out there to start.

For our dog walking app example, opportunities might sound like this:

I want new clients to easily book me for walks.

I want dog owners to be able to find out about my dog walking services.

I want to organize my walks geographically.

For our data analytics platform example, opportunities might sound like this:

I want a single dashboard to view my highest-value metrics.

I want help finding unique dynamics in my data.

I want my dashboard to update automatically and continuously.

STEP 2: Prioritize the opportunities

Which things stand out as the biggest opportunities and why? What we’re looking for is the best opportunity to pursue first (or next if we’re returning to this after testing something).

To do this, plot each opportunity's risk vs confidence. For each opportunity, ask:

  • How much do we know about this opportunity? (confidence)
  • What will be the impact on the business if we DON’T pursue this opportunity? (risk)

This should spark fierce discussion on the team and many misalignments will be revealed. That is good. If you’re feeling anxious about only pursuing one opportunity, remember:

  • We’re not saying “no” to everything else, we’re just saying “not yet”
  • Focus will help us know whether an experiment has succeeded or failed
  • Focus will help us maintain team alignment

📌 It might help everyone feel better about saying “not yet” to an item if you define what conditions will make that one the next best opportunity. For example, a specific growth metric you’re tracking and once it hits a certain threshold, or once you hear about something in customer interviews a certain number of times.

STEP 3: Make an Opportunity Tree

For each opportunity worth pursuing, your next step is to identify possible solutions and ways to test those solutions as quickly as possible.

List lots of solutions and ways to test so that you can find the best ones. Identify at least three solutions and three tests for each solution for every opportunity.

We could go on, but really Teresa Torres is the expert on this process that she developed:

📌 Our goal is to increase our confidence in the opportunity and the solution. Not every test needs to involve making new software.

Experiments you might do to test an opportunity or solution that don’t involve building custom software:

  • Undercover Competitive Research. Join other products to see what they're offering and where the holes are that we could fill.
  • Ad funnel and marketing website that includes a beta signup. This is a great way of testing the desirability of an idea before designing or building much.
  • Surveys. Ask customers to rank opportunities and solutions.
  • Use existing platforms. If the idea involves community building, start on Slack or Discord.
  • Further outreach and interviewing with your community. Ask them what they are doing, how they are solving problems, etc.

Exercise: Product Experiments

The results of Exercise 2 should be a list of tests or experiments to run. For the tests that involve designing and building software, use the Product Design Spring process for generating ideas.

Talk to one of our product experts about building success into your process.