Advance your team and improve product performance

As you reach new new stages, your product hits new pain points. Bring on thoughtbot to embed with your team and ease transitions through optimization challenges while maintaining and accelerating momentum with test-driven development and user focused design. Your team, and your users, will thank you.

Let's talk

Collage of 3 images: a toy robot holding a pencil, a whiteboard with colorful markers, and a person with headphones looking at a video conference on a laptop.

Quote from Teikametrics about thoughtbot

thoughtbot left me with a much more seasoned team than I had started with, a better architecture, and a much clearer roadmap.

A headshot of Aatish Salvi

Aatish Salvi
CTO, Teikametrics

Watch Aatish talk about working with thoughtbot

Team Augmentation

Stabilize your tech without slowing down

As you hit significant new product lifecycle stages, things start to break. Technical debt piles up and it hurts your ability to acquire and retain customers (not to mention your own developers). Augmenting your team with thoughtbot developers allows you to keep flying the plane while you build it.

Whether it’s web or mobile app development, performing code audits, or helping with your next technical hire, thoughtbot has 20 years of experience jumping into complex tech scaling situations and helping the team steady the course and confidently move forward.

A collage of 3 images: hands typing on a laptop at a desk, black mugs with the thoughtbot logo, and various drawings on paper taped to a wall.

Design optimization

Invest in design-led product strategy 

Continuous improvement of your product design and design methodology pays dividends. But much like technical debt, as your product grows, you also stack up design debt. Design Systems become outdated, the UI backlog is unwieldy, and user testing and interviews aren’t happening on a regular basis.

thoughtbot Designers don’t just tick off design To Do’s for you, but work closely with your team to mature your product design strategy, the function of design within your organization, and improved cross-functional collaboration through frontend implementation.

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We’ll help with:

  • UX optimization
  • Design mentorship
  • Alignment and communication across a cross-functional team
  • Frontend development
  • User research & usability testing

Quote from Adwerx

We started out just wanting another senior developer to plug in and I’m glad we ended up with an expert mentor who leveled-up our whole team. thoughtbot doesn’t want to just make a product and leave, they’re passionate about improving your whole organization while they help you create something new. It’s really unique.

A headshot of Reed Emmons

Reed Emmons
VP Engineering

Read the case study

Design Systems

Empower your team & align your UI/UX

Combining your pattern library, design documentation, and product workflow, your Design System is the single and sustainable source of truth uniting your product teams. Whether your existing system is falling short, or you're a Design Systems newbie, thoughtbot's expertise can optimize your user experience and product growth.

A collage of 4 images: a person drawing a prototype, design system items, a laptop with code on the screen, and a hand touching a whiteboard with a prototype drawn on it.

supporting more than your product

Process improvement and team mentorship

Our team is equipped to introduce development best practices within existing engineering teams by working with leaders to identify skill and process gaps, and execute on a plan. Our custom mentorship uses tools like paired programming, workshops, and lunch and learns to collaborate with your team how they are comfortable. As product-minded technologists, we look to build confidence within our client teams across different aspects of the work we do.

This most frequently includes introducing or improving processes around:

  • TDD within an existing codebase
  • CI/CD pipelines
  • Code review culture
  • Automations (Prettier, ESLint, StandardRB, Rubocop, AccessLint)
  • Review branches for feature acceptance

thoughtbot Services for existing products and teams

Learn more about a few of our team's specialty areas

Ruby on Rails

Our team has been a passionate and active presence in leading the Ruby on Rails community since the very beginning.

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Elm's easy learning curve helps your new team members get up-to-speed writing production code in no time.

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Using reusable components, complex interfaces become clear, consistent and feature rich.

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Python and Django

thoughtbot’s expert Python developers and designers can get your project moving with this go-to tool for building APIs.

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We help individuals and teams mature processes and nurture a healthy and productive culture.

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Rails Maintenance

thoughtbot, one of the world's most experienced Rails development teams, is here to help and has a part-time support and maintenance team dedicated to supporting Rails applications long-term.

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Case Studies

Hear what our clients are saying

Screenshot of the MSPP application in front of a photo of someone preparing vaccines.

MSPP — Scaling and maintaining a vaccine management app to meet surging demand.

Read the case study

Resources for your team

Check out the best practices our team is writing and talking about:

Best Resources to Upskill Your Technical Team

As a manager, how can you help your team, both neophytes and veterans, get better at their craft?

Read the blog post

Make small, data-driven performance improvements

Performance issues are a form of technical debt. They are issues because we neglect the root cause until it affects our application in a way we can no longer ignore.

Read the blog post

Find opportunities for optimization and growth with a service blueprint

A service blueprint is a powerful design tool for organizational change and product transformation.

Read the blog post

Let's talk

What does success look like for your team?

A photo collage depicting people at work consisting of four photos and three hand-drawn elements, from top to bottom; two people pinning up storyboard sketches during a design sprint, two developers working side by side at their desks in a well lit office, a designer sitting on a video call at a desk below a wall calendar, the backs of a designer and developer working together on code at the same desk