Quicky Forecast

Helping companies get a quick and simple overview of sales activities

Icon of a triangle with an exclimation mark in the middle


Buiding a lightweight sales dashboard

Icon of a treasure map with four dots and an X


Icon of a location marker with five dashes coming out from the top


A simple sales data dashboard, easy to use and understand

Image of the Quicky Forecast site

Two screenshots of the Quicky Forecast site; the first is the homepage, the second is a screen with a data visualization of teams sale forecast as well as forecasted opportunities

Who is Quicky Forecast?

Quicky Forecast came to thoughtbot with a lot of experience in sales.

Having dealt with numerous frustrations around bad sales getting in the way of simple forecasting, their idea was to build a sales forecasting tool that would improve efficiency, user experience, clarity and work flow.

Many forecasting tools focus on measurement rather than progress and quality, making it hard for users to get a true overview of opportunities. Customer relationship management (CRM) tools are overpriced and unnecessarily complex. In a worst case scenario, they give salespeople the means to disguise their actual progress.

Quicky Forecast removes this illusion of activity, by offering a UI that promotes simplicity and transparency. In just a glance, the entire team can understand the sales forecast situation, see what's closed, what's forecasted, and when. Rather than just generating sales forecasts weekly or monthly, Quicky Forecast is always available and ready.

Image from the Quicky design sprint

Two images of sketches on a whiteboard from the Quicky design sprint

User interface elements from the Quick site

Three screenshots of user interface elements from the Quicky site; the first is a sign in screen, the second is a form to set your team's targets, the third is another input form

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