This week in #dev (Aug 9, 2024)

Welcome to another edition of This Week in #dev, a series of posts where we bring some of our most interesting Slack conversations to the public.

Key Renaming with Hash#transform_keys

Joël Quenneville shares that Hash#transform_keys allows you to pass a map of old to new keys if you want to do a key rename:

{old: 1, dont_care: 2}.transform_keys(old: :new)
#=> {new: 1, dont_care: 2}

Sanitizing Input for a LIKE Query

Summer ☀️ mentions that Active Record has a sanitize_sql_like method for sanitizing input for a LIKE query.

sanitize_sql_like("100% true!")
# => "100\\% true!"

# => "snake\\_cased\\_string"

Toggling Attributes in Rails

Matheus Richard learned about Active Record’s toggle method that assigns the boolean opposite of an attribute.

user = User.first
user.banned? # => false
user.banned? # => true


This edition was brought to you by Joël Quenneville, Matheus Richard, and Summer ☀️. Thanks to all contributors! 🎉