Look over our shoulder as we refactor and optimize a set of queries.
You’ve heard a colleague say “You’re all smart coders. You can figure out how my code works!” as an excuse to let less-than-clear code slip in. This is bunk, and here’s why.
Anonymous functions and closures are a useful concepts included in most...
Voodoo programming is when we write code that we don’t really understand. We know we shouldn’t do it. But how do we stop?
In an application we worked on, we presented users with multiple choice...
SOLID is an
acronym created by Bob
Martin and Michael
Feathers that refers to...
I keep a file of code I like. When looking for inspiration, I read through...
Comments are like playing telephone. Avoid them with clearer method names.
Walk through a refactoring of Ruby on Rails test code
and observe lessons in Rails idioms,
setting up only necessary test data,
and extracting methods.
Introducing Hound, a hosted service that keeps your codebase clean
by commenting on style guide violations or other linting issues
in your GitHub pull requests.