We make a small line-oriented TCP socket server to explore how sockets and some manual process management works in Elixir.
Testing with Bamboo is easy, and it’s still easy when the email’s content includes random data.
Phoenix 1.3 introduces contexts, which has been met with some resistance. I’ve developed an application using it and learned some lessons.
Ugh… three lines for a simple text input for a form in Phoenix? How about one with Formulator?
ExMachina 2.0 brings new features and functions for easier testing.
How I discovered how to run project-specific Mix commands from any directory.
A look at how to preload database associations using Elixir’s Ecto library.
Write declarative Elixir code by applying “Tell, Don’t Ask”.
Check out a production ready Elixir/Phoenix application.
A comparison of both languages for the Rubyist.