YARD Sale: Documenting Clearance We’ve previously stated our commitment to rdoc.info as the official... Dan Croak August 17, 2009 Web Clearance Rails Open Source
Blossom the lovely stars, the forget-me-nots of the angels “Silently, one by one, in the infinite meadows of Heaven, Blossom the lovely... Dan Croak August 16, 2009 Web Rails Clearance
Already Confirmed If you’re using Clearance and Airbrake, chances are you’ve seen this error:... Dan Croak August 14, 2009 Web Clearance Rails Open Source
International Authentication Library Of Mystery In May, Timur Vafin, Marcel Goerner, and Eugene Bolshakov helped make... Dan Croak August 11, 2009 News Web Clearance Rails Ruby Open Source
Sign Up, Sign In, Sign Out What is your Ubiquitous Language for authentication? Common language... Dan Croak July 8, 2009 Web Rails Clearance Language
Clearance Is A Rails Engine Clearance is now a Rails engine…BLAOW! Why Clearance has served... Dan Croak April 22, 2009 News Web Ruby Rails Open Source Clearance
Forbidden Kisses & HTTP Fluency in Clearance UPDATE: After about two years of using this approach in Clearance, we removed... Dan Croak February 22, 2009 News Web Rails Clearance
Clearance: Rails authentication with email and password Authentication is a common pattern in Rails apps. Thus, there have been many... Dan Croak February 9, 2009 News Web Rails Clearance