Music has always been a very important part of iPhones and all Apple devices.
With the advent of iOS 7, Apple introduced a new technology called Multipeer
which allows us to stream data with NSOutputStream
and NSInputStream
. I
wanted to use this great new framework to stream audio to many listeners.
However, there is no easy way to play audio from an NSInputStream
. So I set
out on an adventure through CoreAudio to make this possible.
Multipeer Connectivity uses NSOutputStream
to stream data to a connected peer.
This is what we’ll use to send the audio data. On the receiving end, Multipeer
Connectivity uses NSInputStream
which we’ll use to harvest the incoming data.
Using the Apple provided Audio Queue
we’ll send the data to the device’s system. With the Audio Queue Services, we
can fill buffers with audio data and then play them. This is all we need in
order to play raw audio data, but most audio files are encoded to reduce file
size like MP3 and AAC files. Apple provides the Audio File Stream
that can process the encoded audio format and return the raw audio data. The
picture below shows the flow of data and initial state of the proposed solution.
First, we start the audio stream and as we receive data, we pass it into the stream parser where it will be decoded. The parser will then send out the raw audio data we need. There are three audio buffers in the audio queue which will be filled one by one with the data received from the parser. When full, a buffer will be enqueued to the system. When the system is finished playing an audio buffer, it is returned, refilled, then enqueued again in a loop until there is no more data to play. The GIF below demonstrates how the audio data flows from the code to the system hardware. The red and green squares represent the empty and full buffers respectively.
Sending the Audio Data
Now that we have some background on how streaming works, let’s play a song from
our iTunes library. We can use a MPMediaPickerController
to allow the user to
pick a song to play. We will get an array of MPMediaItem
s from the picker’s
delegate method mediaPicker:didPickMediaItems:
An MPMediaItem
has many properties we can look at for song title or author,
but we’re only interested in the MPMediaItemPropertyAssetURL
property. We use
that to create an AVURLAsset
from which we can read the file data by using
and AVAssetReaderTrackOutput
NSURL *url = [myMediaItem valueForProperty:MPMediaItemPropertyAssetURL];
AVURLAsset *asset = [AVURLAsset URLAssetWithURL:url options:nil];
AVAssetReader *assetReader = [AVAssetReader assetReaderWithAsset:asset error:nil];
AVAssetReaderTrackOutput *assetOutput = [AVAssetReaderTrackOutput assetReaderTrackOutputWithTrack:asset.tracks[0] outputSettings:nil];
[self.assetReader addOutput:self.assetOutput];
[self.assetReader startReading];
Here, we create the AVURLAsset
from the media item. Then we use it to create an
and AVAssetReaderTrackOutput
. Finally, we add the output to
the reader and start reading. The method startReading
will only open the
reader and make it ready for later when we request data from it.
Next, we’ll open our NSOutputStream
and send the reader output data to it when
its delegate method is invoked with the event NSStreamEventHasSpaceAvailable
CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer = [assetOutput copyNextSampleBuffer];
CMBlockBufferRef blockBuffer;
AudioBufferList audioBufferList;
CMSampleBufferGetAudioBufferListWithRetainedBlockBuffer(sampleBuffer, NULL, &audioBufferList, sizeof(AudioBufferList), NULL, NULL, kCMSampleBufferFlag_AudioBufferList_Assure16ByteAlignment, &blockBuffer);
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < audioBufferList.mNumberBuffers; i++) {
AudioBuffer audioBuffer = audioBufferList.mBuffers[i];
[audioStream writeData:audioBuffer.mData maxLength:audioBuffer.mDataByteSize];
First, we get the sample buffer from the reader output. Then we call the
function CMSampleBufferGetAudioBufferListWithRetainedBlockBuffer
to get a list
of audio buffers. Finally, we write each audio buffer to the output stream.
We’re now streaming a song from our iTunes library. Now, let’s look at how to receive this stream and play the audio.
The Data Stream
Since we are using Multipeer Connectivity, the NSInputStream
is already made
for us. First, we need to start the stream to receive the data.
// Start receiving data
inputStream.delegate = self;
[inputStream scheduleInRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
[inputStream open];
Here, we set the delegate to the class so we can handle the stream events. Next, we tell the stream to run in the current run loop, which could be on a separate thread, and to use the default run loop mode. It is important to use the default mode or our delegate methods will not be called. Finally, open the stream to start receiving data.
Our class should conform to the NSStreamDelegate
protocol so we can handle
events from the NSInputStream
@interface MyCustomClass () <NSStreamDelegate>
@implementation MyCustomClass
- (void)stream:(NSStream *)aStream handleEvent:(NSStreamEvent)eventCode
if (eventCode == NSStreamEventHasBytesAvailable) {
// handle incoming data
} else if (eventCode == NSStreamEventEndEncountered) {
// notify application that stream has ended
} else if (eventCode == NSStreamEventErrorOccurred) {
// notify application that stream has encountered and error
Above, we use the delegate method to handle events received from the stream. When the stream ends or has an error, we should notify the application so it can decide what to do next. For now, we are only interested in the event that the stream has data for us to process. We need to take this data and pass it into the Audio File Stream Services.
The Stream Parser
The Stream Parser is an AudioFileStream
class that we can push encoded audio
data into and get back decoded audio data. First, let’s create the
AudioFileStreamID audioFileStreamID;
AudioFileStreamOpen((__bridge void *)self, AudioFileStreamPropertyListener, AudioFileStreamPacketsListener, 0, &audioFileStreamID);
We create the parser by passing it a reference to the class, a property changed callback function and a packets received callback function. We need to create these callback functions to use the reference to the class and call methods within the class.
void AudioFileStreamPropertyListener(void *inClientData, AudioFileStreamID inAudioFileStreamID, AudioFileStreamPropertyID inPropertyID, UInt32 *ioFlags)
MyCustomClass *myClass = (__bridge MyCustomClass *)inClientData;
[myClass didChangeProperty:inPropertyID flags:ioFlags];
void AudioFileStreamPacketsListener(void *inClientData, UInt32 inNumberBytes, UInt32 inNumberPackets, const void *inInputData, AudioStreamPacketDescription *inPacketDescriptions)
MyCustomClass *myClass = (__bridge MyCustomClass *)inClientData;
[myClass didReceivePackets:inInputData packetDescriptions:inPacketDescriptions numberOfPackets:inNumberPackets numberOfBytes:inNumberBytes];
Inside the didChangeProperty:flags:
method, we are looking for the
property which tells us that
all other properties have been set. Now we can retrieve the
from the parser. The AudioStreamBasicDescription
contains information about the audio such as sample rate, channels, and bytes
per packet and is necessary for creating our audio queue.
AudioStreamBasicDescription basicDescription;
UInt32 basicDescriptionSize = sizeof(basicDescription);
AudioFileStreamGetProperty(audioFileStreamID, kAudioFileStreamProperty_DataFormat, &basicDescriptionSize, &basicDescription);
The other function for the packets received callback will return the decoded audio data that we will add to the audio queue buffers later.
Now, it’s time to pass the encoded data into the parser from the stream’s
uint8_t bytes[512];
UInt32 length = [audioStream readData:bytes maxLength:512];
AudioFileStreamParseBytes(audioFileStreamID, length, data, 0);
The file stream will continue to parse bytes until it has enough to decypher the
type of file. At this point, it invokes its property changed callback with the
property kAudioFileStreamProperty_ReadyToProducePackets
. After this, it will
invoke its packets received callback with nicely packaged packets of decoded
audio data for us to use.
The Audio Queue
The Audio Queue is an AudioQueue
class that allows us to create audio buffers,
fill them, and then enqueue them. It also gives us audio control like play,
pause, and stop. Now, let’s create the queue and its buffers.
AudioQueueRef audioQueue;
AudioQueueNewOutput(&basicDescription, AudioQueueOutputCallback, (__bridge void *)self, NULL, NULL, 0, &audioQueue);
AudioQueueBufferRef audioQueueBuffer;
AudioQueueAllocateBuffer(audioQueue, 2048, &audioQueueBuffer);
To create the audio queue we need to pass the AudioQueueNewOutput
function the
we received from the parser, a callback function
that is invoked when the system is done with a buffer and reference to the
class. Next, we create one audio buffer using the AudioQueueAllocateBuffer
function and give it the audio queue and the size of bytes it can hold.
Now, we wait for the parser to invoke its packets received callback. Then, we fill an empty buffer with the packets. There are two possible formats for the data received from the parser, VBR or CBR. Variable Bitrate (VBR) means that the bit rate can change from packet to packet where as Constant Bitrate (CBR) means that it will be constant.
In the case of VBR, we can only fill the buffer with whole packets which contain many bytes. This means that the buffer may not fill up before we have to send it to the system. With CBR, we fill the buffer to the brim and then send it along.
AudioQueueBufferRef audioQueueBuffer = [self aFreeBuffer];
memcpy((char *)audioQueueBuffer->mAudioData, (const char *)data, length);
We also need some logic to make sure we’re not overfilling the buffer and if we don’t completely fill it, we should wait for more.
AudioQueueBufferRef audioQueueBuffer = [self aFreeBuffer];
memcpy((char *)audioQueueBuffer->mAudioData, (const char *)(data + packetDescription.mStartOffset), packetDescription.mDataByteSize);
Here, we need to check if the packet will fit in the leftover space in the
buffer. If it can’t fit another packet of mDataByteSize
then we will have to
get another buffer. We also need to hold on to our packet descriptions for
When the buffer is full, we enqueue it to the system with
AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer(audioQueue, audioQueueBuffer, numberOfPacketDescriptions, packetDescriptions);
Now we’re ready to play audio. When all the buffers have been filled and
enqueued, we can start playing sound with AudioQueuePrime
and then
AudioQueuePrime(audioQueue, 0, NULL);
AudioQueueStart(audioQueue, NULL);
allows us to pass a second parameter, instead of NULL
, that
represents a time to start playing. We will ignore this for now but it could be
useful if audio synchronization is needed.
The End
Those are the basics for streaming audio through Multipeer Connectivity. At the end of this adventure I created a open source library that brings together everything described here in a more organized and structured fashion. If you’d like more detail, the complete code and examples are on GitHub at tonyd256/TDAudioStreamer.