Command-line interfaces, or CLIs, often tend to follow a few patterns:
- they use flags to modify behavior
- they trigger failures at various points
- they may read from at least one file
Within Haskell, these aspects break down into a few different high-level concepts: configuration, exceptions and exception handling, and I/O. As programs grow, options become unwieldy, manual exception handling muddies business logic, and it’s hard to organize grouped concepts effectively.
Let’s look at a fake CLI application, file-fun
, which demonstrates
some of these concepts.
Initial CLI Behavior
Let’s try this out in the console:
$ file-fun
This is fun!
$ file-fun --excited
ZOMG This is fun!
$ file-fun --excited --capitalize
$ echo "hi there" | file-fun --stdin --capitalize
$ file-fun --file Setup.hs --capitalize
$ file-fun --file nonexistent
nonexistent: openFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)
I’m using Stack to build this package:
stack new file-fun
First, update file-fun.cabal
to include optparse-applicative
, a package
which allows us to parse options passed to our CLI in an applicative style.
Next, let’s build out the CLI app:
-- app/Main.hs
module Main where
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import qualified Data.Bifunctor as BF
import qualified Data.Bool as B
import qualified Data.Char as C
import Options.Applicative
-- types
data Options = Options
{ oCapitalize :: Bool
, oExcited :: Bool
, oStdIn :: Bool
, oFileToRead :: Maybe String
-- program
main :: IO ()
main = runProgram =<< parseCLI
runProgram :: Options -> IO ()
runProgram o =
putStr =<< (handleExcitedness o . handleCapitalization o <$> getSource o)
-- data retrieval and transformation
getSource :: Options -> IO String
getSource o = B.bool (either id id <$> loadContents o) getContents $ oStdIn o
handleCapitalization :: Options -> String -> String
handleCapitalization o = B.bool id (map C.toUpper) $ oCapitalize o
handleExcitedness :: Options -> String -> String
handleExcitedness o = B.bool id ("ZOMG " ++) $ oExcited o
loadContents :: Options -> IO (Either String String)
loadContents o =
maybe defaultResponse readFileFromOptions $ oFileToRead o
readFileFromOptions f = BF.first show <$> safeReadFile f
defaultResponse = return $ Right "This is fun!"
-- CLI parsing
parseCLI :: IO Options
parseCLI = execParser (withInfo parseOptions "File Fun")
withInfo opts h = info (helper <*> opts) $ header h
parseOptions :: Parser Options
parseOptions = Options
<$> (switch $ long "capitalize")
<*> (switch $ long "excited")
<*> (switch $ long "stdin")
<*> (optional $ strOption $ long "file")
-- safer reading of files
safeReadFile :: FilePath -> IO (Either E.IOException String)
safeReadFile = E.try . readFile
Identifying Patterns
Let’s look at some of the types here to see if there are patterns we can extrapolate:
handleCapitalization :: Options -> String -> String
handleExcitedness :: Options -> String -> String
getSource :: Options -> IO String
loadContents :: Options -> IO (Either String String)
transform a value to another value, based on configuration set somewhere else (Options
retrieves a base value or reads fromSTDIN
(based on configuration set externally), and handles a failure case fromloadContents
uses the same configuration (provided bygetSource
this time) to determine if (and which file) should be read; it’s able to signify to the application that a failure occurred when loading a non-existent file.
Dissecting the Monad Transformers
, the “monad transformer library”, is a library providing typeclasses
, MonadError
) and instances for combinations of concrete
implementations of various monads (Reader
, ReaderT
, Except
, ExceptT
Here, we’ll be focusing on two transformers, ReaderT
and ExceptT
, to clean
up our read-only environment passing (Options
) and failure cases when things
go wrong.
Let’s continue with the previously mentioned pattern of Options
; this shared
context can be handled by the Reader monad. More specifically, ReaderT
- the
“reader transformer” - is used to stack the Reader monad together with other
monads (e.g. IO
). Retrieval of the configuration is accessible via asks
which returns the ReaderT
with the appropriate wrapped value.
asks :: Monad m => (r -> a) -> ReaderT r m a
The Reader monad is perfect for passing read-only context to a function.
In this case, the context is the set of Options
provided by the user running
the program.
The concept of failure, with context, is often expressed with Either e a
where e
encapsulates the error: String
, Control.Exception.IOException
, you
name it. ExceptT
takes this further by allowing the developer to throwError
when using bind, if the monad throws an error, it will halt further execution.
Why is this important?
Imagine a CLI that reads two files, independently, where the reading of the second occurs only when the first is read successfully. Once both are read, the program can continue.
Let’s look at a solution without ExceptT
module Main where
import qualified Control.Exception as E
main :: IO ()
main = do
file1 <- safeReadFile "file1" -- attempt to read file1
case file1 of
Left e -> renderError e -- handle when reading file1 fails
Right file1' -> do
file2 <- safeReadFile "file2" -- attempt to read file2
case file2 of
Left e -> renderError e -- handle when reading file1 fails
Right file2' -> processResult file1' file2'
renderError :: Show e => e -> IO ()
renderError e = putStrLn $ "Error: " ++ show e
processResult :: String -> String -> IO ()
processResult s s' = putStrLn $ "Result: \n" ++ s ++ s'
safeReadFile :: FilePath -> IO (Either E.IOException String)
safeReadFile = E.try . readFile
This nested chain is already unwieldy, and we’re only reading from two files.
module Main where
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Monad.Except
main :: IO ()
main = either renderError return =<< runExceptT runMain
runMain :: ExceptT E.IOException IO ()
runMain = do
file1 <- readFileWithFailure "file1"
file2 <- readFileWithFailure "file2"
liftIO $ processResult file1 file2
readFileWithFailure :: FilePath -> ExceptT E.IOException IO String
readFileWithFailure s = either throwError return =<< liftIO (safeReadFile s)
renderError :: Show e => e -> IO ()
renderError e = putStrLn $ "Error: " ++ show e
processResult :: String -> String -> IO ()
processResult s s' = putStrLn $ "Result: \n" ++ s ++ s'
safeReadFile :: FilePath -> IO (Either E.IOException String)
safeReadFile = E.try . readFile
In the same vein, loadContents
, using Either String String
to represent
possible failure (e.g. a file path is provided but the file doesn’t exist), is
a perfect candidate for refactoring to use ExceptT
. This also means we can
let the program handle the error higher up, instead of having getSource
handle both cases.
Let’s add mtl
to the list of dependencies in our cabal file and then start
working on app/Main.hs
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Main where
-- other imports
import Control.Monad.Reader
type AppConfig = MonadReader Options
The ConstraintKinds
extension allows for using MonadReader
providing the
reader type but not the underlying monad; coupled with FlexibleContexts
can use parametric polymorphism like so:
handleCapitalization :: AppConfig m => String -> m String
handleCapitalization s = B.bool s (map C.toUpper s) <$> asks oCapitalize
handleExcitedness :: AppConfig m => String -> m String
handleExcitedness s = B.bool s ("ZOMG " ++ s) <$> asks oExcited
The AppConfig m
typeclass constraint ensures the result is wrapped in the
appropriate type. Because AppConfig
is a MonadReader
, we have access to
both oExcited
(as it’s of type Options -> Bool
) and asks
, since we’re in
the monad.
is only a small chunk of our larger type, App
, which needs to
fulfill all the previous requirements:
- Monad (as well as a Functor and Applicative)
- IO
- Reader
- Except
First, let’s define our sum type for errors (we’ll only start with one,
handling the non-existent file) and import the correct module from mtl
module Main where
-- other imports
import Control.Monad.Except
data AppError
= IOError E.IOException
We can use one final language extension to derive from monads encapsulating
each of these behaviors to build out a large newtype
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
newtype App a = App {
runApp :: ReaderT Options (ExceptT AppError IO) a
} deriving (Monad, Functor, Applicative, AppConfig, MonadIO, MonadError AppError)
Although it’s “only” four lines of code, there’s a lot here. Let’s break it apart.
First, we have our language extension. It’s what allows us to derive from
and the rest of the lot.
Next, we see our newtype App a
, with the type describing runApp
. ReaderT
has access to Options
within its shared read-only state, as well as its
accompanying monad (ExceptT AppError IO
) and the polymorphic return type.
We’d previously outlined that AppError
is a sum type, and since its
“success” includes IO, it means the entire stack has access to IO.
Finally, the list of monads it’s deriving; it includes the usual suspects
, Applicative
, and Functor
), as well as Reader (in the form of
), Except (in the form MonadError AppError
), and IO (with
-- old
getSource :: Options -> IO String
getSource o = B.bool (either id id <$> loadContents o) getContents $ oStdIn o
-- new
getSource :: App String
getSource = B.bool loadContents (liftIO getContents) =<< asks oStdIn
Nice; App
encapsulates passing around Options
and performing IO.
Here, we switch from managing exception handling at the getSource
level down
to where it can occur, in loadContents
. The other interesting aspect is
getContents :: IO String
needs to be lifted with liftIO :: IO a -> m a
where m
is our App
. This ensures allows IO operations to be run, but
wrapped in the appropriate monad.
The nice change here is that we don’t have any options to pass around, to any
level, and there’s the bonus of not having to manage Either
cases to better
handle when loadContents
-- old
loadContents :: Options -> IO (Either String String)
loadContents o =
maybe defaultResponse readFileFromOptions $ oFileToRead o
readFileFromOptions f = BF.first show <$> safeReadFile f
defaultResponse = return $ Right "This is fun!"
-- new
loadContents :: App String
loadContents =
maybe defaultResponse readFileFromOptions =<< asks oFileToRead
readFileFromOptions f = either throwError return =<< BF.first IOError <$> liftIO (safeReadFile f)
defaultResponse = return "This is fun!"
In addition to App
encapsulating passing Options
and performing IO, it
also wraps up failure previously managed by Either
We continue to handle both Just filename
and Nothing
cases from
; however, our “default response” now doesn’t care about wrapping
its value in Right
(since any result at any level, when not coming from
, is considered successful).
Speaking of throwError
, we continue to handle when reading the file fails,
but this time, we’re using our IOError
data constructor to bubble
that error up. When reading the file succeeds, all that’s needed is us
wrapping it in the monad (with return
Running the program and error handling
Almost done! Let’s start with run
(which we’ve added) and runProgram
-- old
runProgram :: Options -> IO ()
runProgram o =
putStr =<< handleExcitedness o <$> handleCapitalization o <$> getSource o
-- new
runProgram :: Options -> IO ()
runProgram o = either renderError return =<< runExceptT (runReaderT (runApp run) o)
run :: App ()
run = liftIO . putStr
=<< handleExcitedness
=<< handleCapitalization
=<< getSource
now performs the meat of what runProgram
previously managed -
specifically, writing out the result to IO, and transforming the data from the
source through handleCapitalization
and handleExcitedness
. The types line
up such that we can use =<<
throughout the process:
getSource :: App String -- m a
handleCapitalization :: AppConfig m => String -> m String -- a -> m b
handleExcitedness :: AppConfig m => String -> m String -- a -> m b
We also have to compose liftIO
and putStr
to lift our IO operation up to
the App
monad. We use the void type to notate that run
has no usable
The new version of runProgram
is doing much more for us; it runs the
application, with all its varying layers, in one spot, and takes the result
handling both success and failure.
The right half of bind, runExceptT (runReaderT (runApp run) o)
, runs our
in the reverse order it was declared, inside-out. Recall the type of
runApp :: ReaderT Options (ExceptT AppError IO) a
First, we have to process ExceptT
, then move outward to ReaderT
. The
nesting is also important here, since we want to handle failure; the result
type of the right-hand side is IO (Either AppError ())
The left-hand side (either renderError return
) handles the success case by
ing the value (in this situation, void) or by calling renderError
applying our AppError
. Since the type for both success and failure is IO
, the type signature and body for renderError
should make sense:
renderError :: AppError -> IO ()
renderError (IOError e) = do
putStrLn "There was an error:"
putStrLn $ " " ++ show e
We now see the benefit of the AppError
sum type; it allows for custom
messages based on the context of failure.
The final result of the refactoring:
-- app/Main.hs
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Main where
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Except
import qualified Data.Bifunctor as BF
import qualified Data.Bool as B
import qualified Data.Char as C
import Options.Applicative
-- types
data Options = Options
{ oCapitalize :: Bool
, oExcited :: Bool
, oStdIn :: Bool
, oFileToRead :: Maybe String
type AppConfig = MonadReader Options
data AppError
= IOError E.IOException
newtype App a = App {
runApp :: ReaderT Options (ExceptT AppError IO) a
} deriving (Monad, Functor, Applicative, AppConfig, MonadIO, MonadError AppError)
-- program
main :: IO ()
main = runProgram =<< parseCLI
runProgram :: Options -> IO ()
runProgram o = either renderError return =<< runExceptT (runReaderT (runApp run) o)
renderError :: AppError -> IO ()
renderError (IOError e) = do
putStrLn "There was an error:"
putStrLn $ " " ++ show e
run :: App ()
run = liftIO . putStr
=<< handleExcitedness
=<< handleCapitalization
=<< getSource
-- data retrieval and transformation
getSource :: App String
getSource = B.bool loadContents (liftIO getContents) =<< asks oStdIn
handleCapitalization :: AppConfig m => String -> m String
handleCapitalization s = B.bool s (map C.toUpper s) <$> asks oCapitalize
handleExcitedness :: AppConfig m => String -> m String
handleExcitedness s = B.bool s ("ZOMG " ++ s) <$> asks oExcited
loadContents :: App String
loadContents =
maybe defaultResponse readFileFromOptions =<< asks oFileToRead
readFileFromOptions f = either throwError return =<< BF.first IOError <$> liftIO (safeReadFile f)
defaultResponse = return "This is fun!"
-- CLI parsing
parseCLI :: IO Options
parseCLI = execParser (withInfo parseOptions "File Fun")
withInfo opts h = info (helper <*> opts) $ header h
parseOptions :: Parser Options
parseOptions = Options
<$> (switch $ long "capitalize")
<*> (switch $ long "excited")
<*> (switch $ long "stdin")
<*> (optional $ strOption $ long "file")
-- safer reading of files
safeReadFile :: FilePath -> IO (Either E.IOException String)
safeReadFile = E.try . readFile
While the underlying structure feels mostly unchanged (still performing IO, still transforming strings in the same manner), the refactoring impacts how the code feels.
Instead of passing Options
around, there’s now a built-in way to interact
with that read-only state. Instead of using Either
to pass around failure,
everything operating inside App a
now has an opportunity to trigger
failures, without having to modify type signatures at the level (and every
level up). It also seems fairly trivial to introduce additional functionality
into App
, since it’d require updating the typeclasses App a
derives and
ensuring run
unwraps things correctly.
You can view the working source code from this post here.