We’ve been somewhat unhappy with our current Cerberus installation, so we’ve decided to jump on the CC.rb bandwagon. Though there were a couple of problems when adding projects (I’ll try to expand on that in another post), the overall experience was pretty good—installation was a breeze, and the plugin system makes extending it dead simple. As proof…
Campfire plugin for cruise_control.rb
A builder plugin for CruiseControl.rb that sends build notices to campfire chat rooms.
You can get the tarball
or grab it from svn at
http://svn.thoughtbot.com/plugins/cruisecontrol.rb/campfirenotifier. You can
even track it via externals: svn propset svn:externals 'campfire_notifier
- Create a Campfire account that you will use for sending notifications.
- Copy campfirenotifierplugin folder to builder_plugins/installed (or use the externals method above)
- Modify builds/yourproject/cruiseconfig.rb by adding the following lines:
Project.configure do |project|
project.campfire_notifier.domain = 'thoughtbot'
project.campfire_notifier.room = '38367'
project.campfire_notifier.ssl = false
project.campfire_notifier.username = 'sender@gmail.org'
project.campfire_notifier.password = 'sender_password'