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Client side

  • We've inadvertently made it possible to save empty notes
  • Let's make sure that notes have either title or body
  • In our Note Backbone model we need to add a validate method

    • Add the logic required to ensure that in the event both title and content are blank something (and it can be anything) gets returned
    • Note that this only prevents saving if set and save are called separately
  • In the ShowNote Backbone view add an initialize method

    • In the initialize method call the listenTo method to respond to the invalid event

      initialize: -> @listenTo(@model, 'invalid', @addError)

    • Add a new method called addError to handle this event

    • in the addError method add a class called error to the note div

      addError: => @$el.addClass('error')

    • Modify the beginEditing method to remove the error class from the note div if it's present

      beginEditing: -> @$el.addClass('editing') @$el.removeClass('error')

  • Open the notes.css.scss file

    • define an error class under note

      &.error { border-color: red; }

Server side

  • Remove the validation method from the Backbone model
  • Now let's move the validations to Rails model
  • If we attempt to save Rails returns a 422
  • Note that the invalid event is not triggered
  • If in our Note view we bind to the error event instead of invalid Backbone behaves the same as it did for client side validations
  • Now we add the validation method back to the Backbone model

    initialize: ->
      @listenTo(@model, 'invalid', @addError)
      @listenTo(@model, 'error', @addError)
  • Commit!