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Now we'll add last updated to footer div of our note's show template
class to editing-footer
Add a new div with the class normal-footer
to the note div
Modify the notes.css.scss style sheet to reflect the newly named footer class
Add a new class definition for normal-footer
.normal-footer { color: gray; border-top: 1px solid black; padding-top: 10px; font-size: 0.8em; }
Add momentjs to handle the display of the dates
Add momentjs-rails to the gem file
Add momentjs to the application.js file
We would prefer to avoid adding a lot of additional logic to this view, it's getting bloated
Let's create a new Backbone view called LastUpdated
This view will have no template instead we'll use only a render method
This method will only replace the views element with it's model's updated_at
class App.Views.LastUpdated extends Backbone.View render: => @$el.html(@model.get('updated_at')) this
Now let's go back to our ShowNote
In the initialize method we'll create a new instance of our LastUpdated Backbone view passing out model
initialize: -> @listenTo(@model, 'invalid', @addError) @listenTo(@model, 'error', @addError) @lastUpdated = new App.Views.LastUpdated(model: @model)
in the render method we need to call the setElement
method on our newly instantiated LastUpdated
Pass the setElement
method the normal-footer div from our show.jst.eco template using a jQuery selector $('.normal-footer')
Always keep in mind, using this setElement approach will make any of the id, className, tagname or attributes defined in the class not applicable
render: ->
@$el.html(@template(note: @model))
Because we call render in a subview we need to override the remove
In the overriden remove
we need to call the remove
method on the instance
of LastUpdated
we rendered
If we forget to do this it will lead to a memory leak
remove: -> @lastUpdated.remove(arguments...) super(arguments...)
Now we return to our LastUpdated Backbone view
In the render method replace the @model.get(@updated_at)
with a call to
the new lastUpdated method
class App.Views.LastUpdated extends Backbone.View render: => @$el.html(@lastUpdated()) this
lastUpdated: -> moment(@model.get('updated_at')).calendar()
Now we want to make the timestamp update when we update the model on the server
In the LastUpdated Backbone view's initialize method call @listenTo(@model, 'change:updated_at', @render)
This tells the view to call the render
method whenever the updated_at
attributes changes on the model
initialize: -> @listenTo(@model, 'change:updated_at', @render)
In order to make this new behavior work we need to modify our notes controller
In the Rails controller, return the model to_json
if it saves, respond to
returns 204 no content by default
respond_with(note) do |format| format.json { render json: note } end
This is necessary because by default rails doesn't return the json representation of the updated model for updates
Everything is updating properly