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Improving our Backbone.js Application

We've got a few things we're doing that feel wrong. Let's see if we can clean things up.

Bootstrapping AllNotes

  • We know we always need AllNotes. Why should it be a separate request?
  • The term is called 'bootstrapping'

    • Change root to 'notes#index' and in the new index page set the ScratchPad.AllNotes variable
    • Create the new notes index.html.erb file

    • Note: We don't need to worry about XSS here, to_json properly escapes strings

    • Delete the loading code from the ScratchPad initialize method

      window.ScratchPad = Models: {} Collections: {} Views: {} Routers: {} initialize: -> new @Routers.ScratchPadRouter Backbone.history.start(pushState: true)

  • While this approach is better, we can decouple further

    • Modify the notes index.html.erb file to set a notesJson attribute on ScratchPad

    • And in the ScratchPad initalize we can set AllNotes based on the JSON

      window.ScratchPad = Models: {} Collections: {} Views: {} Routers: {} initialize: -> @AllNotes = new @Collections.Notes(@notesJson) new @Routers.ScratchPadRouter Backbone.history.start(pushState: true)

Rendering collections with sub-views

  • Looping through the models property in the note file should be avoided when possible

    • Remove everything from the file except for the 'ul'
    • Add a class of 'notes' to the 'ul' in notes

    • Create a notes template

    • Pull out the 'li' segment of the notes template and put it in the to template leaving the 'li' tag out

    • In the template change note to @note

      <%= @note.get('title') %>
      <%= @note.get('content') %>
    • Now we need to edit our Notes Backbone view

    • We'll iterate over the view's collection attribute (instead of passing it to the template) and render a new single note view we'll create below

      render: ->
        @$el.html(@template(notes: @collection))
    • Notice our new renderNote method requires a fat arrow

      renderNote: (e) =>
        view = new App.Views.ShowNote(model: note)
    • Create the new view from above called ShowNote

    • Set the className property on the Note view to note

      class App.Views.ShowNote extends Backbone.View template: JST['notes/show']

      className: 'note'

      render: -> @$el.html(@template(note: @model))

    • Change the Notes Backbone view's renderNote method to pass in the tag we want to wrap the Note template in

      renderNote: (e) => view = new App.Views.ShowNote(model: note, tagName: 'li') @$('.notes').append(view.render().el)

    • Move events and showNote from the Notes view to the Note view

      class App.Views.ShowNote extends Backbone.View template: JST['notes/show']

      events: 'click a': 'showNote'

      className: 'note'

      render: -> @$el.html(@template(note: @model))

      showNote: -> Backbone.history.navigate(@model.url(), trigger: true) false

    • We can change our template's link tag to link to '#' instead of the actual url

    • We also want to add a class to our anchor tag so we can avoid directly coupling to the dom

      <%= @note.get('title') %>
    • Now we can edit our ShowNote Backbone view's events hash to the following

      events: 'click .edit-note': 'showNote'

  • Commit!