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We've got a few things we're doing that feel wrong. Let's see if we can clean things up.
. Why should it be a separate request?The term is called 'bootstrapping'
variableCreate the new notes index.html.erb file
Note: We don't need to worry about XSS here, to_json
properly escapes
Delete the loading code from the ScratchPad initialize method
window.ScratchPad = Models: {} Collections: {} Views: {} Routers: {} initialize: -> new @Routers.ScratchPadRouter Backbone.history.start(pushState: true)
While this approach is better, we can decouple further
Modify the notes index.html.erb file to set a notesJson attribute on ScratchPad
And in the ScratchPad initalize we can set AllNotes based on the JSON
window.ScratchPad = Models: {} Collections: {} Views: {} Routers: {} initialize: -> @AllNotes = new @Collections.Notes(@notesJson) new @Routers.ScratchPadRouter Backbone.history.start(pushState: true)
Looping through the models property in the note index.jst.eco file should be avoided when possible
Add a class of 'notes' to the 'ul' in notes index.jst.eco
Create a notes show.jst.eco template
Pull out the 'li' segment of the notes index.jst.eco template and put it in the to show.jst.eco template leaving the 'li' tag out
In the show.jst.eco template change note
to @note
Now we need to edit our Notes Backbone view
We'll iterate over the view's collection
attribute (instead of passing it
to the template) and render a new single note view we'll create below
render: ->
@$el.html(@template(notes: @collection))
Notice our new renderNote
method requires a fat arrow
renderNote: (e) =>
view = new App.Views.ShowNote(model: note)
Create the new view from above called ShowNote
Set the className
property on the Note view to note
class App.Views.ShowNote extends Backbone.View template: JST['notes/show']
className: 'note'
render: -> @$el.html(@template(note: @model))
Change the Notes Backbone view's renderNote
method to pass in the tag we
want to wrap the Note template in
renderNote: (e) => view = new App.Views.ShowNote(model: note, tagName: 'li') @$('.notes').append(view.render().el)
Move events
and showNote
from the Notes
view to the Note
class App.Views.ShowNote extends Backbone.View template: JST['notes/show']
events: 'click a': 'showNote'
className: 'note'
render: -> @$el.html(@template(note: @model))
showNote: -> Backbone.history.navigate(@model.url(), trigger: true) false
We can change our index.jst.eco template's link tag to link to '#' instead of the actual url
We also want to add a class to our anchor tag so we can avoid directly coupling to the dom
Now we can edit our ShowNote Backbone view's events hash to the following
events: 'click .edit-note': 'showNote'