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We've built a great bit of functionality for editing, but we've forgotten to give the user the ability to add new items, and delete them once they're there.
Let's start by adding an add button to the page
to the bottom of our index.jst.eco
templateMake the button say 'Add Note'
Open the notes.css.scss file
Add styles for add-actions
.note, .add-actions { width: 225px; heigth: 225px; margin: 20px; float: left; padding: 10px;
position: relative; }
Add styles for the 'p' tag inside of the add-actions div to place the button where we want it
.add-actions { p { position: absolute; top: 50%; height: 3em; margin-top: -1.5em; } }
Open the index.jst.eco template
Create a new template called add_ations.jst.eco
Add the 'p' tag you removed from the index.jst.eco file into this new template
In the Notes Backbone view add an initialize method
In the initialize method initialize an instance of the AddActions Backbone view
initialize: -> @addActions = new App.Views.AddActions(collection: @collection)
In the render
method append this addActions
view to the view's el
render: => @$el.html(@template()) @collection.forEach(@renderNote) @$el.append(@addActions.render().el) this
Now we need to create the AddActions Backbone view we created an instance of in the previous step
method call the add method on the @collection
objectMake sure to send in an empy opject to the add method (must pass an empty object to the add method or it's noop)
class App.Views.AddActions extends Backbone.View template: JST['notes/add-actions']
className: 'add-actions'
events: 'click .add-note': 'addNote'
render: -> @$el.html(@template()) this
addNote: -> @collection.add({}) false
In the Notes Backbone view's initialize
method we add to listen to our @collection
for an event called add
using Backbone's listenTo
events handlerChange the render method to use the fat arrow
initialize: -> @addActions = new App.Views.AddActions(collection: @collection) @listenTo(@collection, 'add', @renderNote)
In the show.jst.eco templateadd placeholders to the inputs to enhance user experience
Currently we're re-rendering the entire page anytime a note is added we can avoid this by only rendering the newly added note
event and avoid the hastle of rerendinering the entire list of NotesRemeber to change the renderNote
to use fat arrow
initialize: -> @addActions = new App.Views.AddActions(collection: @collection) @listenTo(@collection, 'add', @renderNote)
Add an additional event handler on our @collection
object in the Notes Backbone model's initializer
method to handle the reset
This event handler will call the render
initialize: -> @addActions = new App.Views.AddActions(collection: @collection) @listenTo(@collection, 'reset', @render) @listenTo(@collection, 'add', @renderNote)