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Converting to a Single Page Application

Since we've gone through all this trouble to never actually leave the page, why are we going through even more trouble to make it look like we are?


First let's make things look more appropriate.

  • We'll start by creating a style sheet at app/assets/stylesheets/notes.css.scss

    • Add a definition for the note class

      .note { width: 225px; heigth: 225px; margin: 20px; float: left;

      border: 1px solid black; padding: 10px;

      list-style: none; }

  • Next remove all the content from the template

    • Wrap the title input in a header tag of class title-container
    • Wrap the content text area in div with class body
    • Ensure the existing classes remain on both input elements

  • Now we return to our new style sheet

    • Add a definition for the title container class under the note

      .title-container { height: 25px;

      margin-bottom: 10px;
      border-bottom: 1px solid black;
      .note-title {
        font-size: 17px;
        font-weight: bold;


    • Remove background and border for both inputs within a note

    • Also remove outline on :focus

      input[type=text], textarea {
          border: none;
          background: none;
          &:focus {
            outline: none;
    • Add a definition for the body

    • Add a definition for title-content

      .body {
          width: 100%;
          height: 165px;
          .note-content {
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
            resize: none;

Improving the UX

  • Open the ShowNote Backbone view

    • Remove the existing event handler methods and events hash values
    • Create a save method, which grabs the title and body from the input elements
    • Bind a change event with no target to that method

      class App.Views.ShowNote extends Backbone.View template: JST['notes/show']

      className: 'note'

      events: 'change': 'save'

      render: -> @$el.html(@template(note: @model)) this

      save: -> @model.set title: @$('.note-title').val() content: @$('.note-content').val() false

    • Title is a single line so it should save and blur when enter is pressed

    • Create a method called blurIfEnter and bind it to the keydown event

        'change': 'save'
        'keydown .note-title': 'blurIfEnter'
      • keyCode 13 means the enter button was pressed

        blurIfEnter: (e) -> if e.keyCode == 13 @$(':input').blur()

    • To improve user experience let's make it clear what is being edited

    • On focus of both of our note inputs bind an event called beginEditing

    • On blur of both of our note inputs bind an event called endEditing

      events: 'change': 'save' 'keydown .note-title': 'blurIfEnter' 'focus .note-title, .note-content': 'beginEditing' 'blur .note-title, .note-content': 'endEditing'

    • Add the begingEditing method

      • Add a class called editing to the input that comes in focus

        beginEditing: -> @$el.addClass('editing')

    • Add the endEditing method

      • Remove the class called editing from the input that goes out of focus

        endEditing: -> @$el.removeClass('editing')

  • Open the file

    • Add a div to the bottom of the page with class footer
    • Add a save button with a class of save

  • Open the notes.css.scss file

    • Add a style for the footer class under note
    • Add a blue border to the note when the editing class is present

      .footer { display: none; }

      &.editing { border-color: blue;

      .footer { display: block; } }

Clean Up

Because of our recent change we can remove the following files and code:

  • The router
  • The wild card route in rails
  • The Edit view and associated template

We also need to change the initialize method in our ScratchPad class to render the Notes view which was previously done in the index router.

  • Commit!