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Create a Rails controller NotesController
class NotesController < ApplicationController
helper_method :notes, :note
def notes
@_notes ||= Note.all
def note
@_note ||= notes.find(params[:id])
Create an index view for the Note model index.html.erb
<% notes.each do |note| %>
<dd><%= link_to note.title, note %></dd>
<dd><%= note.content %></dd>
<% end %>
Create a show index view for the Note model
<h1><%= note.title %></h1>
<p><%= note.content %></p>
Generate a Note Rails model with title and content
User the seed file to create three new Notes
Note.create(title: 'The first note', content: 'I am a note!') Note.create(title: 'The second note', content: '') Note.create(title: 'The third note', content: 'more notes')
Add Note resources line to the config/routes.rb file
and prints a message saying "You requested the index page"Define a Note show route that points to a showNote
method that calls the alert
method and displays a message that tells the user they're in the show view and repeats the id in the url
class App.Routers.ScratchPadRouter extends Backbone.Router
'': -> alert("You requested the index page")
'/notes/:id': 'showNote'
showNote: (id) ->
alert("You requested the note with the id of #{id}")
Return to the scratch_pad
Javascript file and update the initialize method
Add a call to the Backbone.history.start method
initialize: -> new @Routers.ScratchPadRouter Backbone.history.start()
Now return to the browser and navigate to notes/1 notice it doesn't work
Now navigate the browser to #note/1
Pass pushState: true to the Backbone.history.start method call to remove the need for the hash in the url
initialize: ->
new @Routers.ScratchPadRouter
Backbone.history.start(pushState: true)