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Backbone.js Collections and Connecting to the Rails API

  • If we didn't have Backbone in order to retrieve our list of notes we would have to use some code similar to the following

    var notes
    notesPromise = $.ajax('/notes.json')
    noteFactory = function(data) { return new App.Models.Note(data) }
    notesPromise.done(function(data) { notes =, noteFactory) })

Luckily, Backbone provides some plumbing to do the heavy lifting of this for us in the form of Collections object.

  • Create a Collections.Notes class, with a url and model property

    class App.Collections.Notes extends Backbone.Collection
      url: '/notes'
      model: App.Models.Note
    • After we've created the collection and associated it with our Note Backbone model we can remove the url setting from our Note Backbone model
    • Every model knows that it's a part of a collection, and we can access it via the collection property.
  • Now that we've created our Notes Backbone collection let's use it in our application initializer

    • Wrap the rest of initialize in a success callback to fetch since the collection is loading asynchronously

      window.ScratchPad = Models: {} Collections: {} Views: {} Routers: {} initialize: -> @AllNotes = new @Collections.Notes @AllNotes.fetch().done => new @Routers.ScratchPadRouter Backbone.history.start(pushState: true)

  • Finally we need to change the loop in our template to @notes.models

      <% for note in @notes.models: %>
            <dd><a href="/notes/<%=  %>"><%= note.get('title') %></a></dd>
            <dd><%= note.get('content') %></dd>
      <% end %>
  • Edit is now broken, as well, since we don't access collections as arrays

    • In our Backbone router's showNote method we need to make a couple of adjustments
    • We don't need to do id - 1, since get takes an id, not an index
    • Change the router to call .get on the AllNotes collection instead of []

      class App.Routers.ScratchPadRouter extends Backbone.Router routes: '': -> 'index' '/notes/:id': 'showNote'

      index: -> view = new App.Views.Notes(collection: App.AllNotes) $('#container').html(view.render().el)

      showNote: (id) -> model = App.AllNotes.get(id) view = new App.Views.EditNote(model: model) $('#container').html(view.render().el)

  • Check everything is still working

Actually persisting

Now for the magic. All we need to do in order to make our views save is change the call to set to save, passing in the same arguments in our EditNote Backbone view's saveModel method.

    saveModel: (e) ->
        title: @$('.title').val()
        content: @$('.content').val()
      Backbone.history.navigate('/', trigger: true)
  • Commit!