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Advanced Backbone.js Behavior

Adding new todos

  • The easiest way we can get a simple interface is just to always render a todo view with a new item on the bottom
  • Open the TodList Backbone view

    • Listen to the todoItems reset event in the initializer

      initialize: -> @todoItems = new App.Views.TodoItemsIndex(collection: @model.todoItems) @listenTo(@model.todoItems, "reset", @addNewUnlessExists)

    • The event handler will be called addNewUnlessExists

      addNewUnlessExists: => @model.todoItems.add({}) unless @model.todoItems.last().isNew()

    • We will also need to add a call to the addNewUnlessExists method to the objects render method

      render: -> @$el.html(@todoItems.render().el) @addNewUnlessExists() this

  • Add a placeholder to the todo item template text input

    <input type="text" class="todo-item-title" value="<%= @todoItem.get('title') %>" placeholder="Add a new todo item..." />
  • Now that we have our new todo item text box rendering we want to disable the completed checkbox for that input

  • In the TodoItem Backbone view

    • Modify the renderComplete method to disable the checkbox for new items

      renderComplete: -> @$('.todo-item-title').attr('disabled', @model.get('complete')) @$('.todo-item-complete').attr('checked', @model.get('complete')) .attr('disabled', @model.isNew())

  • Next we need to add a validation to the TodoItem Backbone model to ensure that a todo item has a title

    • In the TodoItem Backbone model add a validation method

      validation: -> unless @has('title') && @get('title').trim() != "" return "Must provide a title"

    • Because our save is overriden we need to manually call validate as well

      save: -> unless @validation()

    • To make our has title logic easily available to other objects let's extract a helper method and use that in our validation

      hasTitle: -> @has('title') && @get('title').trim() != ""

      validation: -> unless @hasTitle() return "Must provide a title"

  • We want to make todo items destroy them selves if we delete the title from the UI

  • This will require some additional work in the Rails app, but let's start with the client side

  • In the TodoItem Backbone view we need to modify the saveModel method

    • Add a conditional that checks if a todo item has a title
    • If it does save it
    • If not destroy it

      saveModel: -> @model.set title: @$('.todo-item-title').val() complete: @$('.todo-item-complete').is(':checked')

      if @model.hasTitle() else @model.destroy() @remove() false

  • Now that we're calling destroy our todo item's need to know their url

    • Inside the TodoItems Backbone collection we need to add a url function

      url: => "todo_lists/#{}/todo_items"

  • Let's wire up the Rails side

    • First add a new route

      resources :todo_lists, only: [] do resources :todo_items, only: [:destroy] end

    • Then we add the TodoItemsController

      class TodoItemsController < ApplicationController respond_to :json

      def destroy respond_with todo_item.destroy end


      def todo_list TodoList.find(params[:todo_list_id]) end

      def todo_items todo_list.todo_items end

      def todo_item todo_items.find(params[:id]) end end

  • We need to return to our Backbone app and make a few changes to get everything working correctly

    • We need to make sure the right todo_list_id value is being passed to Rails
    • To do this we need to return to our TodoList Backbone model
    • Modify the parse method to extract the todo list's id and store it in an attribute called todoListId
    • This is required because the id is actually a Note with a polymorphic body which is either a StickyNote or a TodoList

      parse: (data) -> @todoItems.reset(data.body.todo_list.todo_items, parse: true) data.todoListId = delete data.body data

    • We want to use this new id rather than the id attribute in our url, so now we return to our TodoItems Backbone collection and modify the url method

      url: => "todo_lists/#{@todoList.get('toddoListId')}/todo_items"

  • We also don't want our app to persist blank todo items

    • First let's enforce this on the Rails side by adding a validation on the TodoItem Rails model

      validates :title, presence: true

    • We also want to filter blank todo items from the json our Backbon app sends to the server

    • In the TodoList Backbone model we want to filter out any new todo item in the toJSON method

      toJSON: -> { title: @get('title') body: type: 'todo_list' todo_list: todo_items: @todoItems.reject((i) -> i.isNew()) }

  • Commit!