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Open the TodList Backbone view
Listen to the todoItems reset event in the initializer
initialize: -> @todoItems = new App.Views.TodoItemsIndex(collection: @model.todoItems) @listenTo(@model.todoItems, "reset", @addNewUnlessExists)
The event handler will be called addNewUnlessExists
addNewUnlessExists: => @model.todoItems.add({}) unless @model.todoItems.last().isNew()
We will also need to add a call to the addNewUnlessExists
method to the
objects render
render: -> @$el.html(@todoItems.render().el) @addNewUnlessExists() this
Add a placeholder to the todo item show.jst.eco template text input
<input type="text" class="todo-item-title" value="<%= @todoItem.get('title') %>" placeholder="Add a new todo item..." />
Now that we have our new todo item text box rendering we want to disable the completed checkbox for that input
In the TodoItem Backbone view
Modify the renderComplete
method to disable the checkbox for new items
renderComplete: -> @$('.todo-item-title').attr('disabled', @model.get('complete')) @$('.todo-item-complete').attr('checked', @model.get('complete')) .attr('disabled', @model.isNew())
Next we need to add a validation to the TodoItem Backbone model to ensure that a todo item has a title
In the TodoItem Backbone model add a validation method
validation: -> unless @has('title') && @get('title').trim() != "" return "Must provide a title"
Because our save is overriden we need to manually call validate as well
save: -> unless @validation() @collection.todoList.save()
To make our has title logic easily available to other objects let's extract a helper method and use that in our validation
hasTitle: -> @has('title') && @get('title').trim() != ""
validation: -> unless @hasTitle() return "Must provide a title"
We want to make todo items destroy them selves if we delete the title from the UI
This will require some additional work in the Rails app, but let's start with the client side
In the TodoItem Backbone view we need to modify the saveModel
If not destroy it
saveModel: -> @model.set title: @$('.todo-item-title').val() complete: @$('.todo-item-complete').is(':checked')
if @model.hasTitle() @model.save() else @model.destroy() @remove() false
Now that we're calling destroy our todo item's need to know their url
Inside the TodoItems Backbone collection we need to add a url function
url: => "todo_lists/#{@todoList.id}/todo_items"
Let's wire up the Rails side
First add a new route
resources :todo_lists, only: [] do resources :todo_items, only: [:destroy] end
Then we add the TodoItemsController
class TodoItemsController < ApplicationController respond_to :json
def destroy respond_with todo_item.destroy end
def todo_list TodoList.find(params[:todo_list_id]) end
def todo_items todo_list.todo_items end
def todo_item todo_items.find(params[:id]) end end
We need to return to our Backbone app and make a few changes to get everything working correctly
method to extract the todo list's id and store it in an
attribute called todoListIdThis is required because the id is actually a Note with a polymorphic body which is either a StickyNote or a TodoList
parse: (data) -> @todoItems.reset(data.body.todo_list.todo_items, parse: true) data.todoListId = data.body.todo_list.id delete data.body data
We want to use this new id rather than the id attribute in our url, so now we return to our TodoItems Backbone collection and modify the url method
url: => "todo_lists/#{@todoList.get('toddoListId')}/todo_items"
We also don't want our app to persist blank todo items
First let's enforce this on the Rails side by adding a validation on the TodoItem Rails model
validates :title, presence: true
We also want to filter blank todo items from the json our Backbon app sends to the server
In the TodoList Backbone model we want to filter out any new todo item in
the toJSON
toJSON: -> { title: @get('title') body: type: 'todo_list' todo_list: todo_items: @todoItems.reject((i) -> i.isNew()) }